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Alt 28.03.2006, 13:41
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Neues "Goldmann" buch!

A new Elvis book by Lanier Heart Shapre based on the account of Jimmy Denson (opposite), a Memphis resident who apparently knew the Presley family is causing a real stir among Elvis world identities.

Here is a sample:

From the website http://www2.uol.com.br/speakup/stori...88_elvis.shtml

The Devil in Disguise
Memphis resident Jimmy Denson, who knew Elvis when he was a skinny kid(9) in the Lauderdale Courts, takes a rather different view:

Well, it's a satanic form of religion, Satan-inspired. I saw the Devil in Elvis' brain one day and his Momma told me to look. She said, "Jimmy, look at Elvis' eyes," and "Elvis," she said, "show Jimmy what you showed me" and he flashed his eyes and his skull(10) looked like… his eyes looked like two pissholes(11) in the snow. And back in his brain I saw Lucifer in there. July 5th, 1956. He was stoned out of his head(12).

Indeed Jimmy Denson thinks that Elvis was a pathetic character:

Jimmy Denson: Every day of his life he was pitiful(13), pathetic and no-one on earth to worship(14) and idolize. He was to be pitied every day of his life. He was a victim every day of his life. He was being victimized before I met him, the day I met him and every day of his life he was being victimized. He was the only human being I know that had to be protected, physically, every day of his life by other human beings. He's the only one I've ever seen. He's the only totally genetic infantile baby that I ever knew. Mark Worden

A warning from Bill Burk #1
Earlier I warned you people there was a new book out on Elvis by Jimmy Denson, "as told to Heart Sharpe."

The warning was twofold:

1. The book is titled "Elvis: Through My Eyes," which, as most of you know, is the title of my all-time best-seller from 1987, which has been thru many printings. There is no violation of the law in using the same title. Copyright laws do not protect titles -- only content.

2. Jimmy Denson lived in or around Lauderdale Courts when the Presleys lived there. Since Elvis became famous, Denson is one of those who popped out of the woodworks claiming all kinds of close ties to Elvis -- not only during the Lauderdale Courts days, but after.
How to describe Jimmy Denson:
A. His elevator doesn't go to the top?
B. A couple of Jokers short of a deck?
C. Someone who stayed in the boxing ring a couple of bells too long?

I have not seen or read this "book," and doubt I will. But if it is 200 pages long, someone had to loan him some words to his vocabulary to fill that much space -- and if it has 100 photos, as claimed, wonder who taught Denson how to point the camera?
Alt Alt 28.03.2006, 13:41
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Alt 28.03.2006, 22:19
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Alt 29.03.2006, 11:07
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so, zu diesem thema will ich denjenigen unter euch, die bill burk´s mails nicht erhalten, mal sein letztes zur verfügung stellen:

Earlier I warned you people there was a new book out on Elvis by Jimmy Denson, "as told to Heart Sharpe."

The warning was twofold:

1. The book is titled "Elvis: Through My Eyes," which, as most of you know, is the title of my all-time best-seller from 1987, which has been thru many printings. There is no violation of the law in using the same title. Copyright laws do not protect titles -- only content.

2. Jimmy Denson lived in or around Lauderdale Courts when the Presleys lived there. Since Elvis became famous, Denson is one of those who popped out of the woodworks claiming all kinds of close ties to Elvis -- not only during the Lauderdale Courts days, but after.
How to describe Jimmy Denson:
A. His elevator doesn't go to the top?
B. A couple of Jokers short of a deck?
C. Someone who stayed in the boxing ring a couple of bells too long?

I have not seen or read this "book," and doubt I will. But if it is 200 pages long, someone had to loan him some words to his vocabulary to fill that much space -- and if it has 100 photos, as claimed, wonder who taught Denson how to point the camera?

HERE IS A REPORT I received from well-known Elvis fan and Elvis author Sandi Pichon today. Sandi has sent this to scores of Elvis fans and fan clubs and has asked them to further spread the word. Needless to say, I back her effort 1000%:

I am writing to you about a book I am begging you not to buy or endorse. It was written by Las Vegas resident Heart Shapre with Jimmy Denson. It has one of Ed Bonja's pictures on the cover and says "By Ed Bonja" misleading people into thinking Ed wrote this piece of trash. The name is the same as Bill Burk's "Elvis: Through My Eyes". IT IS IN NO WAY CONNECTED TO BILL BURK! It says Elvis was a drug addict before he went into the army, among other lies. It is an awful book that does nothing but tarnish Elvis' image, based on lies. It alludes to homosexuality, Vernon being a womanizer and abuser and other trash. PLEASE FORWARD THIS INFORMATION TO ANYONE YOU KNOW.



I, TOO, ASK YOU ALL to spread the word to the far reaches of the world so that Elvis fans, spotting the title, won't buy this book based on its title. If you have $20 to waste (plus shipping), then donate it to a charity in Elvis' name and you will be doing the entire world, including yourself, a favor.

OR ... send it to us and renew your ELVIS WORLD subscription for another year!

When I talked long distance to writer Heart Sharpe and called to her attention the FACT they were using the same name as my Elvis bestseller, the tone in her voice was sort of: "So, there's nothing you can do about it." Sort of a laughing tone.

True, legally, I can't stop this title from being used, but I can warn each and every fan about this book, then ask them to warn each and every fan and fan club they know of -- and spread the word like wildfire.

THAT will send a proper message.

As for content of the two books, I'll put my 19-year-old book up against Denson's any day of the year, any day of the century, and wipe his nose in FACTS!

NOW YOU ALL have been properly warned -- again! If now you go ahead and buy Denson's book thinking it's mine ... your fault. If you then read that book about Elvis being on drugs at an early age; about Gladys begging Denson to raise Elvis in the Courts, etc, etc, adBS . . . and you become offended, as others obviously already have ... then point the finger at yourself because now you know these ARE different books with entirely different contents.

And AS you spread this word, would appreciate you sending a copy to me, as well.

Thank you.


"Motorboat! Motorboat! Ruadan tua i nur zur Noat!"
Alt 29.03.2006, 11:46
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ein weiteres buch welches in kürze als quelle herangezogen wird von bestimmten leuten in bestimmten foren....und man wieder endlos pseudo diskussionen um unsinn hat...der nachweislich falsch ist
der einzige der gegen sowas vorgehen kann ist eigentlich die epe....

über elvis kann man jeden müll schreiben und es passiert gar nichts....bringt aber jemand ne elvis tasse raus wird im die hirse aus dem kopf geklagt....

spricht jemand nur im falschen ton über priscilla ...siehe elvis meets the beatles cd /hörbuch da wird der mann verklagt....aber wenn jemand sich zur besten sendezeit ins fernsehen setzt wie dee presley (stanley)und behauptet elvis hätte sex mit seiner mutter gehabt passiert gar nichts...dabei würde gerade an sowas die epe sich dumm und dusselig verdienen....

stimmt über niemanden ausser jesus wurden mehr bücher geschrieben ....aber leider wurde auch über keinen menschen mehr lügenstories gebracht als über elvis.....und wenn jemand wirklichen research betreibt und versucht was richtig zu stellen dann kommen diese yellowpress gläubigen fans auch noch und unterstellen einem ne rosarote brille....auf grund des aufschrei wird das buch sehr viel aufmerksamkeit erregen...von vielen gelesen werden und dann werden viele dieser sories als vermeindlich war in einigen montaten in diversen foren auftauchen und ich könnte jetzt schon ne namensliste machen von leuten die daraus zitieren lol

mittlerweile muss ich echt zu dem schluss kommen das einige fans doch auf solche sachen stehen...

wird kein grosser unterschied sein zu goldman revelations of the memphis mafia oder dem 2. guralnik buch...
Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

"My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone
Alt 29.03.2006, 12:05
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Stanley ist der größte Lügener der rumrennt - der und Goldmann ab in den berühmten Sack - und immer drauf da
Alt 29.03.2006, 13:10
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goldman könnte(wenn er noch leben würde) von sich behaupten ein behördlich anerkannter lügner zu sein...leider dienen genaudiese machwerke oftmals als info und "Qellen" in diversen foren....und wenn man dann was richtigstellt...heisst es man trägt ne rosarote brille...es nützt also nicht mal mehr was wenn der verfasser der lügenstories selbst sich hinstellt und sagt es ist gelogen...
Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

"My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone
Alt 29.03.2006, 13:21
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michael grasberger michael grasberger ist offline
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Zitat von praytome
siehe elvis meets the beatles cd /hörbuch
von diesem hörbuch lese ich jetzt schon zum zweiten mal. gibt's da genauere infos/ISNB? ich arbeite in einer buchhandlung, wo ich für die hörbücher und die fremdsprachenliteratur zuständig bin, konnte das "elvis meets the beatles"-hörbuch aber bei keinem auslieferer finden. für sachdienliche hinweise wäre ich sehr dankbar...
Alt 29.03.2006, 13:24
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muste nicht der verkauf eingestellt werden?

werde mich mal kundig machen...ich habe es mir schnell besorgen lassen bevor es vom markt genommen oder geschnitten wieder vö wird...
Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

"My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone
Alt 30.03.2006, 11:18
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Attack on book backfires - "any publicity is good publicity": It appears the robust attack on the new Lanier Shapre/Jimmy Denson book has backfired as interested fans have ordered the book to see what the fuss is all about (see original story below dated 28 March 2006). Proving the old addage, "any publicity is good publicity", following the attack there was a temporary spike in sales, at least on Amazon. Following the spike, the book dropped nearly 100,000 places on the Amazon sales ranking from 231,402 (28 March, 2006) to 327,779 (29 March, 2006). While the sales ranking does not indicate relative sales, the spike and then large drop suggests a temporary increase in sales. (News, Source: Amazon)
Alt 30.03.2006, 11:52
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na da haben wir es schon bin gespannt bis die "fakten" hier aus dem buch hier zitiert werden lol
Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

"My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone

buch, goldmann, neues

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