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Alt 09.01.2009, 20:00
Beetle Beetle ist offline
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Wer hat von euch das Bild von der Bravo damals wo Elvis Tod auf den Teppich liegt.(Das Bild ist bunt gemalt) ?
Alt 09.01.2009, 20:02
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Hier ein schöne geschichte was passierte in 2002

Also, Guess what happened last
March---Are ya ready?? :) lol A fan actually got upstairs into
Elvis`s room! What happened was, a company was at the mansion upstairs
changing all the air-conditioning filters and doing some work up there
with the AC system. Well, they left to go to lunch, and they left the
upstairs door (the hall door at the top of the stairs), and the
invisible security alarm was turned off, and this very BRAVE older lady
snuck up the side steps at the kitchen entrance and walked across the
top landing and on up thru the open hall door, and into Elvis`s office
and bedroom! She was up there for a full 30 minutes!!! She was then
spotted on camera by Debbie Johnson in corporate. At first when Debbie
saw her, she thought that she was a he, and was just one of the workers
that were up there. BUT THEN she looked at the monitor again and this
fan was laying ON Elvis`s bed!!!!!! Then, she was seen walking around
taking pictures! Security was called immediately, but the woman left
the mansion before they arrived to catch her up there. However they DID
catch her outside as she was walking continuing her tour. They caught
her as she was on her way to he Trophy building. She was then taken next
door and was asked questions and was searched, and her film from her
camera was taken from her. Then they let her go. However, we think that
she gave her father OTHER film that she used upstairs, so don't be
surprised if these pictures turn up in a tabloid magazine in the near

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Alt 09.01.2009, 20:05
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Ich würde es nicht toll finden, wenn so viele durch meine Butze laufen würden!
Alt 09.01.2009, 20:08
Benutzerbild von cos
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Schon zu Elvis Lebzeiten liefen so viele Leute durch das Haus, aber das Schlafzimmer war sein Privatreich. Und das bis heute, was ich auch sehr gut finde. So ist der eigentlich "öffentliche" Bereich von damals jetzt auch noch öffentlich und Schlafzimmer tabu. Kann ich mit leben.

Alt 09.01.2009, 20:10
Benutzerbild von Oliwa
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Zitat von Beetle Beitrag anzeigen
Wer hat von euch das Bild von der Bravo damals wo Elvis Tod auf den Teppich liegt.(Das Bild ist bunt gemalt) ?
Konnte leider nur die 2. Hälfte des Bildes finden

Verwunden mein Herz mit eintöniger Mattigkeit
23. April 1998 - 20. November 2006
29. September 2006 - 22. September 2022 - I'll be with you always!

Alt 09.01.2009, 20:10
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Mich würde mal interessieren wer dort Staub wischt
Alt 09.01.2009, 20:15
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Zitat von Dayne Beitrag anzeigen
Mich würde mal interessieren wer dort Staub wischt
the people that do the house-cleaning on
the main floor and basement of the mansion, are NOT the same cleaning
person that cleans upstairs. Like I said in my previous post: There is
a certain person who has the job of cleaning upstairs, and they are
accompanied by high security.
Alt 09.01.2009, 20:16
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So soll es wohl aussehen:

Alt 09.01.2009, 20:16
Tigerman Tigerman ist offline
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Zitat von Dayne Beitrag anzeigen
Mich würde mal interessieren wer dort Staub wischt
Ich glaube ich bewerbe mich dort mal
Alt 09.01.2009, 20:17
rider rider ist offline
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Zitat von Beetle Beitrag anzeigen
.(Das Bild ist bunt gemalt) ?
ach wie schön....

geschoss, graceland, obere

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