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Alt 11.07.2005, 14:22
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So ein Arschgesicht !!!

Aber er hat ja schon die richtigen Antworten bekommen !!!

Hier mal ein paar von seiner Seite !!

you are a sick fucker. You are probably a fat ass 300 pound faget who gets off on pictures of jean claude van dam. Get a life you fat bastard.


I hope you burn in the forever flames of hell.


I hope Elvis kicks you in your head too.


please tell me that you are on drugs because elvis was found in a bathroom ,irocially, were jim was found both legends in rock , and jim and elvis have "checked out" way back in the day , so please ,quiet making an ass out of yourself



How could you ruin the memory of Elvis by describing his death in such a sick,demented and vulgar way?

# 1 Elvis fan in the U.S. Deanna


I think this is sick to do to Elvis


you guys are a bunch of sick mother@#$%^&*. you all should be strung up. i was never so sick in my life looking at all this crap. yes ia am an elvis fan, yes the man had problems but he didn't try to glorify and exploit other people like you scumbags. i hope your website rots and falls off and someone makes a sick website about crappy yellow journalism like yours just tcbing man.


your a disgrace and so is your dam website. I can't even imagine what kind of person would do this - somebody that is a very low!! Elvis accomplish more things than you could ever dream of accomplishing - i think you need to learn how to respect people especially the dead


P.S. i think you need help???


Jim Morrison is Alive


Hey man you are so full of shit!!!!!!!!! I know you think its a joke to mock Jim Morrison but that song is just the last straw!!!!! I hope you go to hell!!!

you idiot!


Is that thing about Jim Morrison true? Where did you get the information from???


You fucking asshole.How the fuck can you make fun of JIM MORRISSON like that.I fucking hope that satan devours your sole and then spits you the fuck out.You should fucking die you low life cock sucking mother fucker.If I could get my hands on you I would fucking kill you.


He didn't write that song why would he do such a thing?? If he wrote that i don't know the Doors to well Jim was a weird one but to insult himself why for what reason?


And by the way, If you knew anything about Jim, you would know that Jim didn't write that song. Jim was a poet- every song he sang was a poem that he had written! That, only a true Doors fan would know!


hod do you know that jim morrison is alive


I was completely discusted by your Web page of Jim Morrison! You obviously don't even know anything about Jim Morrison!!! He was an amazing poet which you apparently don't have any respect for! I don't even know what else to say other than even though I wasn't born yet when Jim was here, I probably know more about him than most people who were actually watched him perform! And weather or not Jim is still alive or not, the way you described "The Lizard King", you obviously didn't know him or appriciate the poet in him!