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Alt 06.10.2013, 17:49
Dark Moon Dark Moon ist offline
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Euere Postings sind sehr interessant, und diesmal auch auf einem richtig guten Niveau! Hoffe, ihr wisst wie ich das meine.

Ich möchte mal kurz Off Topic gehen, bitte nicht gleich über mich herfallen!

Kiara Geller hat im FECC Forum Stellung zur neuen DVD ihres Vaters genommen, hier der Text:

I'm not going to try and convince anyone to love/like my dad. That's a matter of personal opinion. But I do want to make one thing clear. My dad doesn't make a living (or anything close to it) from Elvis' legacy. He's personally written 2 books, "If I can dream" 1989 and "Leaves of Elvis' garden" 2008 and self published, almost 20 years after "If I can dream" was out of print. He received a tiny advance to write If I can dream, but he has barely made anything from either. That's a moot point, because he doesn't publish those books for money. Yes, he's telling Elvis' story, but it's his story as well. He has every right to publish his stories. And trust me fellow Elvis' fans, there are many stories NONE of you folks have heard that he WILL take to the grave.

As far as the cover art for the above mentioned DVD...It was painted by a really talented artist named David Uhl, who graciously allowed us to use the piece as our cover for no charge. I originally thought it was a little pedestrian for the cover, but my dad liked it and I thought it was a pretty commercial cover. Just don't judge this DVD by it's cover if you're not crazy about it. It was a sincere effort by my dad to get his story to THE FANS WHO ARE INTERESTED. We've never tried to get distribution for this. I has always been thought of as a simple "homemade" film for those who are interested. So one year later, we haven't even recouped the cost of making it. But who cares. It's a neat DVD in my opinion. There's literally over 100 personal photos from our family albums that some may find entertaining. Except for a couple of technical issues, I personally like the finished product.

And as far as Larry being a little weird, Yeah just a little, but don't mistake true passion and love for Elvis for weird. I know many Elvis fans who are accused of this by their friends and families. Now I'm the weird one, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Just think a little before you make a serious judgment about someone you really don't know. Since 1977 fans have accused my dad of making money from Elvis or manipulating Elvis. None of it is true. Trust me on this one.

The truth is, Elvis was deeper into his spiritual interest than any one knows. That includes the Bible and all religions. Like it or not. Elvis was deeper than most people give him credit for. My dad was one of the few people who could or would engage him on this level. When most people met him or got to know him, they wanted to go on a very surface level sensationalistic ride with him. I don't blame them. He was one of a kind and his life was dazzling.

I don't want to go on and on, but one last thing. If my dads stories contradict each other, show me the proof. I've heard them all dozens of times more than any other person. I remember when some of these event's took place. He has an almost photographic memory and tells the stories exactly the same as he did 20-30 years ago. Some complain about that as well. I've learned to accept a lot of that a long time ago. No hard feelings here.

One more thing. Yes, getting a neck massage from Larry is very calming and was just the kind of thing Elvis liked and needed.

If you want to, check out David Uhl's web site. Google his name (I'm not sure if this site is ok with links to other sites.) His work for EPE is very tasteful and I really like everything he does for Harley Davidson. If you've read my rant up to this point....thanks for listening.
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