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Alt 25.05.2007, 15:03
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Zitat von king feat. Beitrag anzeigen
If I could be you and you could be me for just one hour
If we could find a way to get inside each other's mind
If you could see me through your eyes instead of your ego
I believe you'd be surprised to see that you'd been blind.

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes.

Now your whole world you see around you is just a reflection
And the law of common says you reap just what you sow
So unless you've lived a life of total perfection
You'd better be careful of every stone that you throw.
Ein genialer Song mit einem noch genialerem sozialkritischen Text. Hier geht es um das Einfühlungsvermögen in andere Menschen. Eine Eigenschaft, die m.E. besonders wertvoll ist. Besonders gut gefällt mir die Stelle: I believe you'd be surprised to see that you'd been blind... And before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes.