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Who is Who? Das „Wer ist wer?“ in der Elvis-Welt.


Alt 06.11.2008, 22:50
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Alt 06.11.2008, 22:52
Benutzerbild von TheKing
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Ohne Worte!
Alt 06.11.2008, 22:54
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Alt 07.11.2008, 00:02
Sonny West Sonny West ist offline
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geht'S hier noch mal weiter mit who is who?
Alt 09.11.2008, 18:35
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Cybill Shepherd:
Hatte in den 70er Jahren eine Affäre mit Elvis (weiß jemand wann genau?). Sie wurde
am 18.2.1950 in Memphis, Tennessee geboren und ist eine Schauspielerin und Sängerin.
Alt 11.11.2008, 11:17
Redcaboose Redcaboose ist offline
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Cybill Shepherd:
Hatte in den 70er Jahren eine Affäre mit Elvis (weiß jemand wann genau?). Sie wurde
am 18.2.1950 in Memphis, Tennessee geboren und ist eine Schauspielerin und Sängerin.
Ich habe da einen Link aus dem Jahr 2000 gefunden, in dem Cybill Shepard in einem Interview mit Larry King auch etwas über ihre Beziehung zu Elvis sagt. Durch meine nicht sehr augeprägten Englischkenntnisse kann ich mir nur mehr oder weniger zusammenreimen, dass ihre Beziehung wohl parallel mit Linda Thompsen lief. Sollte meine Übersetzung dieser Situation falsch sein, würde ich mich freuen, wenn jemand dieses richtig übersetzen könnte. Auf den genauen Zeitraum geht sie aber in dem Interview wohl auch nicht ein.


Alt 13.11.2008, 17:29
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Ich habe mal den Text, wo sie über Elvis sprechen, herauskopiert:


Elvis Presley -- how did you meet? What was he like?
SHEPHERD: He was a brilliant man. I had somebody ask me a question just the other day, was Elvis somewhat childlike? I said, well, in the best sense, he was brilliant, he was funny, he was warm- hearted.
I really think that the drugs were the problem with Elvis Presley. And as I say in my book and also a song that I wrote called "Graceland Revisited," once I went back to Graceland and could allow myself to mourn the death of Elvis Presley, I also went back and found out that he was a very spiritual man in ways I couldn't appreciate 25 years before.
KING: Very socially liberal.
SHEPHERD: Well, very searching in trying to be a good person and trying to find a way, and I respect that. I feel like now I could be such a good friend of his, and I'm sorry he's not around.
KING: The recording of "In the Ghetto" took guts at the time. Colonel Parker didn't want to do it.
How did the relationship between you and Elvis begin? You never worked together, did you?
SHEPHERD: No, we never worked together. George Klein, who had been the moderator at the Miss Teenage Memphis Pageant, called me up -- he was a friend of Elvis' -- one day, and said Elvis would like to meet you. And I said, OK, but he has to call me, and he has to pick me up. And later on -- actually, I just went to a movie theater to meet him. I said, can I bring my girlfriend, my best girlfriend, and he said sure.
KING: Where'd you go? Memphis?
SHEPHERD: Oh yes, I was in Memphis. See, Elvis never did have a problem with two girls.
KING: No, I heard.
And so what was that first night like?
SHEPHERD: Well, we got there and they wouldn't let us sit down in the theater, and we were, like, really bored standing around the theater, and finally they let us in, and we sat down, and we waited and waited.
KING: You mean, they were holding him on the side, like...
SHEPHERD: Yes, they wouldn't let -- like when you meet the queen of England, they always, like, bring the queen in and then everybody else is allowed to sit there or something, but you're not allowed to go in until the queen arrives. Well, this is sort of like the king, so finally we went in and we sat down and they lowered those lights, and I thought, well, I guess he's a no show, because the movie's going to start because it dark. But instead, everybody in the row to my right got up and moved one seat over. And I saw him coming in. And I couldn't see him, because it was still pretty dark. And I could smell him before I could see him. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what that cologne was. Maybe it just Ode to Elvis.
KING: Did you hit it off right away?
SHEPHERD: Yes. He's a tremendously sexy man, person, wonderful, delightful.
KING: Did you ever think something serious would come of the relationship?
SHEPHERD: Well, the Elvis that I got to know in Memphis was very different than the Elvis that I got to know later, like in Las Vegas. I think that the pressure of performing, as much as he loved it and as brilliant as he was at it, increased his drug use would be my guess. I'll never know for sure. But I felt that...
KING: He was a good friend while he was using?
SHEPHERD: I think he was probably using all the time, but maybe he was using -- I don't know, but my guess would be that performing, he was probably using more. And I just noticed that he was unavailable in a way. And then later on, years, years later, I would read and find out that he had, like, two other women there at the same time. Elvis always had like three or four women.
KING: In the hotel?
SHEPHERD: Oh yes, like on different floors, maybe on the same floor.
KING: You mean, he'd be with you and then be with another one, and that didn't bother...
SHEPHERD: He'd wedged me in between, I think it Linda Thompson and some other...
KING: That didn't bother you when you learned...
SHEPHERD: I didn't -- did it bother me?
KING: You didn't know at the time.
SHEPHERD: It made more sense, I guess, that he was sort of less available. But that -- even though I didn't know then at the time, it could never have worked with Elvis and I, because I saw the drug use in Las Vegas.
KING: I have never heard a bad word about him. In other words, I never heard anyone in show business who said he was a bad guy.
Did you? Have you ever heard bad words about him?
SHEPHERD: Not too much.
KING: I mean, he was pretty much known as a good guy, right?
SHEPHERD: Yes, he was a very sweet person.
KING: Did you love him?
SHEPHERD: Yes, I think I did.
KING: Been in love a lot, Cybill?
SHEPHERD: Yes. I think I've been in love a lot. I am not sure.
Alt 13.11.2008, 20:58
Redcaboose Redcaboose ist offline
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Tschechowa, Vera

Also ich probiers jetzt mal und hoffe, dass es funktioniert.


Vera Tschechowa (eigentlich Vera Rust) (* 22. Juli 1940 in Berlin) ist eine deutsche Schauspielerin, Regisseurin und Produzentin.


Mit Vera Tschechowa wird Elvis eine kurze Romanze nachgesagt.

Elvis traf sich mit ihr in München und verbrachte oft seine Freizeit mit ihr, in dem sie Bootstouren auf dem Starnberger See unternahmen oder die Bavaria-Filmstudios besuchten.

Übernachtet haben Elvis und seine Kumpels häufig bei den Eltern von Vera Tschechova in der Freseniusstraße in Obermenzing. Bei späteren heimlichen München-Besuchen stieg Elvis standesgemäß im Bayerischenhof ab.





Da dieses jetzt mein erster Beitrag war, bei dem ich Bilder geladen habe, hoffe ich, dass ich es richtig gemacht habe und nicht zu viel durcheinander gebracht habe. Und wenn doch, bitte nicht schimpfen
Alt 13.11.2008, 21:03
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Alles bestens! Geht doch ...
Ahnungslosigkeit ist die Objektivität der schlichten Gemüter - Harald Schmidt
Alt 13.11.2008, 21:05
Redcaboose Redcaboose ist offline
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Danke, ich bin sooo stolz auf mich und klopf mir gerade mal kräftig auf die Schulter.


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