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Joe Esposito am 16.08.77

Bei Joe Esposito wundert mich ja eigentlich gar nichts mehr, aber das hier reißt dem Faß den Boden auf:

Interview mit Jerry Weintraub (Quelle: elvis.com.au)

Q : Were you with the Colonel when you found out Elvis passed away?

A : No, I was at home and he was supposed to start a tour for me the next day in Maine and my telephone rang and it was Joe Esposito on one line. I don't know if he remembers this but it was Joe and he said, "Jerry, I got to talk to you", and my other line rang and I said, "Hold on one second, Joe". And I hit the other line it was Roon Arledge from ABC news and he said to me, "Jerry, Elvis is dead". And I said, "What? What?" I said, "Hold on", and I got back on with Joe. I said, "Joe, whats the matter?" Joe said, "I'm in the bathroom with Elvis. He just died. He hadn't gone. They hadn't taken him away yet". He said, "I just want you to know because your phone is gonna start ringing". I said, "It's already rung. Roon Arledge is on the phone". He was in the -- Joe was a disaster. You know, he was a complete wreck. He lost his best friend and he couldn't believe it. I mean, he was totally bummed out. It got worse and worse when we got to the funeral and all that stuff, but Joe knew he had to handle it. You know, there was nobody else that was gonna handle it besides Joe. He had to get in there and take care of things and he did.

Roon Arledge knew because the minute they call 911, you know, it goes out on the air and the police know and it goes on the police radio and the television people and the associated press know and it takes about one second especially for someone like Elvis. So that's where I was at home and I jumped on a plane immediately for Memphis and went down there and it was pretty tough. It was pretty tough to see him laid out dead in the living room and then when I got there I had a meeting with his father and the Colonel and a whole bunch of people were there. And, you know,it was the day of the funeral. Anyway, I'm gonna cry because I miss him."

Das muss man sich vorstellen: Elvis liegt tot im Badezimmer und Joe Esposito hat den Nerv Jerry Weintraub anzurufen um ihn zu quasi zu warnen, dass bald sein Telefon nicht mehr still stehen wird.
Aber wie sagt Jerry Weintraub so schön:
You know, there was nobody else that was gonna handle it besides Joe. He had to get in there and take care of things and he did.

In Bayern sagt man zu Leuten wie Joe "Gschaftlhuaber"