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Alt 24.10.2007, 21:40
Vany Vany ist offline
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Ort: in der Nähe von Stuttgart
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From three different sources," ranted Elvis, "I heard that I was strung out on heroin... I've never been strung out in my life..." Then Elvis explodes, "If I find or hear the individual that has said that about me", he threatened, "I'm gonna BREAK your GODDAMNED neck, you SON OF A BITCH! These reports are dangerous," he emphasized, "are damaging to my little daughter, to Priscilla, to my father, my doctor, my friends, everyone on stage and," he motioned to the audience, "to you...." Then he pointed at his invisible accuser, "I will pull your GODDAMNED tongue from the ROOTS!!!" he thundered.
das hatte ich schon verstanden
natürlich versteh ich da schon wenn er da so reagiert. ich würde auch nicht wollen das meine tochter (ggf. ich hätte eine) und/oder mein dad so etwas über mich denken. vorallem wenn es gar nicht stimmt.

From that point of view, the two songs can be a little disconcerting, and Elvis sang both of them with Priscilla in the audience. He even says, "listen Cilla" during 'It's Midnight'. Sure, after "Mountain" he explains that the song is not about him and Priscilla, but his rendition on this night is the most personal reading he has ever gave. When he screams, "she took my reason for living!" (and he does scream it) it's extremely creepy
also ich empfand es jetzt nicht als 'creepy', es kam halt eher so rüber als hätte der song doch was mit ihm und cilla zu tun.

Then, Elvis actually mentioning Mike Stone by name and saying that he's no stud! Good God! And with Priscilla and Lisa Marie in the audience. Unbelievable!
wann bzw. wo erwähnt er denn mike?

Geändert von Vany (24.10.2007 um 21:43 Uhr)