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Alt 06.09.2007, 01:31
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Schreibt der erst jetzt, weil er im Ruhestand ist und er nicht mehr der Schweigepflicht untersteht? Besteht die Schweigepflicht nicht darüber hinaus?
Ja und.. das gilt im Allgemeinen auf für Kuttenbru..öh..Geistliche Seelsorger Und? Na also.. wieso dann nicht auch als Quacksalber den Schnabel aufmachen dürfen

Aber Dr. Nic hat ja nicht nur Big El betreut, sondern auch Jerry Lee Lewis Und auch wegen dem war der Gute vor ein paar Jahren wieder vor Gericht

The True Story of Elvis Presley and Dr. Nick
For ten years Dr. George Nichopoulos, better known as "Dr. Nick", was one of Elvis's most trusted and valued advisors and personal physician. He and his son, Dean, who started first as his racquetball teacher and then as his trusted valet, were there to help maintain balance amid the craziness Presley's lifestyle demanded, and his fans have yet to fully understand.
At the end, they were there to observe a proud, private Elvis trying desperately to cope with his career pressures, personal problems and failing health.
Now Dr. Nick and Dean are collaborating with Elvis historian, Joe Russo on the book that Elvis's legacy deserves.
It's a story filled with honesty and compassion that only they can tell. Put aside what you've heard before about Elvis's final days and get ready to understand for the first time, the inner workings of the man who was, and still is, the king of rock n' roll.
Do you have any unresolved questions about Elvis's health, lifestyle or prescription drug dependency? Or about Dr. Nick's efforts to manage his illness and pain while Elvis strived to stay at the top of his game? Have you wondered what medical technology and experts could reveal today about Elvis's medical condition and the cause of his death?
Please visit our CONTACT page, submit your questions, and participate in this ground-breaking story, destined to become one of the most important books about Elvis Presley. Become a part of unveiling the truth about Elvis Presley, his life, death and the impact he continues to have in the world today.

The Authors
Dr. George Nichopoulos - Personal physician to Elvis Presley. He was Presley's confessor, confidant and life support system. He was "on call" to sooth Presley's concerns, phobias, and ailments. Presley looked upon Dr. Nick as a pseudo father-figure, and entrusted thoughts and personal details he shared with few others. Dr. Nick was there, on tour, at home and "behind closed doors".
Dean Nichopoulos - Presley's personal valet for the last several years of his life. Presley referred to Dean as "the son I never had". He virtually "lived" at Graceland and was there to serve and assist Presley in his daily routine and on concert tours. Dean looked after all Presley's personal needs and was always present for motorcycle rides, racquetball games or whenever Presley decided to just have some fun.
Joe Russo - Elvis historian and author of four books including ELVIS STRAIGHT UP with Joe Esposito. He also has been a performer himself for over seventeen years. Due to this duel persona, he is often referred to as the "rock n' roll writer".

ps: bevor ihr euch mal wieder gegenseitig wegen irgendeinem Sch**** an die Gurgel geht
das Buch ist bisher noch nicht mal veröffentlicht worden
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast

Geändert von cos (06.09.2007 um 08:03 Uhr) Grund: Auf Wunsch verbessert