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Alt 16.01.2018, 17:34
Graves_bei_Nacht Graves_bei_Nacht ist offline
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Viel 'Lärm' um Nichts?


"Elvis On Tour" - Sony or FTD can't release audio of the EOT recordings before Warner, Sony and the Estate have decided on what to do with the material. The film company, not RCA, paid for the audio recordings, that's why they can't release it without their consent. He said it's possible that they will release the concerts on CD but it won't be in 2018 or 2019. He also said a remastered/recut movie will probably cost too much money anyway.
* Asked about future projects he says the "big" thing happening in 2018 will be "The Searcher". And mentions the 50th anniversaries for the 68 special and the 69 comeback, although he doesn't say anything specific.
* Ernst talked at length about the 50's box set from 1992. BMG in Germany believed in the project from the start, but the American record label thought it might sell 10,000 at most. It ended up selling 400,000 in the US, and 600,000 in the rest of the world.
* Will there be an updated version of "A Life In Music". Ernst doesn't really answer this, he says he doesn't want to do it just to make money, there has to be a real good reason to publish a new edition.
* Any surprises? Ernst says no, but that sometimes things turn up like the wire recording of "I Forgot To Remember To Forget". He also says that when they acquire new unreleased material, they will try to release it as soon as possible, and mentions "Live A Little", "Speedway" and "Kissin' Cousins" as examples. An unreleased Elvis recording is no longer a sensation, it will not make headlines, so it makes no sense to keep secrets from the fans - if he finds anything, we will know about it.
* "Elvis In Concert" - Lisa Marie doesn't ever want it released and they respect her wishes. Ernst has no wish to release the concerts on audio, because of the bad shape Elvis was in. So that seems to rule out an FTD release...
* The "Aloha" and "Madison Square Garden" LP:s will eventually be releases in FTD:s classic album series.

Quelle: FECC
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